Hello my name is Kevin Wilson, I’m currently 36 years old and have lived in Worcester for the past four years. I flirted with run many years ago and even managed a parkrun or two. In 2019 I made some life changes though. I completely changed my diet, started to eat better along with setting some small goals one being not to drink alcohol for three months. After the three months were up I had managed to lose two stone in weight, eat better, started walked once a week with my wife and managed not to drink.
I decided to set myself a new goal. I wanted to continue with the not drinking but now looking to extend this for 12 months,along with my weight loss and walking.
I choose to then add in a one mile run Every single day in April. Now a mile isnt far I know but this is something I needed to commit to every day which seems easy but I normally leave for work at 6.30 each morning and return home at 7.00pm. It was hard work, so days I ran at 5 in the morning some days 9 at night but at the end of April I completed my goal. After that I decided to set my next challenge and I signed up for the Worcester half marathon in September. I had 5 months to go from one mile to 13.1miles. Over the coming months I’ll discuss how I not only completed two half marathons in 2019 but how I’ve gone on to run 120miles in a month and begin training for the london marathon. I truly believe that you are your only limitation and I believe that I didn’t find running but running found me..