On Friday 19th June 2020 we sadly announced that it will not be possible for the 2020 Worcester City Run event to go ahead so the event will be cancelled and all entries for 2020 will be automatically transferred to the 2021 event which will take place on 4-5th September 2021. This was due to the uncertainty around the Covid-19 pandemic and in light of the latest guidelines from the Government and Public Health England, coupled with the event venue and safety requirements we felt it would not have been feasible to continue with the event and ensure the safety of our participants, staff and volunteers.
We understand this was incredibly disappointing news for everyone who was due to take part this year. It was not a decision we wanted to make but we knew everyone would understand why the event could no longer take place. We would like to thank you and all of our event partners for your support during these uncertain times.
We would still like you to be able to take part in an event and support our partner charity Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust, so will be holding a virtual event on the 2020 dates.
All 2020 entrants have been emailed to confirm their entry will be automatically transferred to the 2021 event, you don’t need to do anything.
If you are unable to make the 2021 dates, would prefer a refund or would like to donate your entry fee to our charity partner Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust, please complete the below form no later than Friday 17th July. If we do not hear from you by this date your entry will be transferred to 2021 and normal terms and conditions for deferral and cancellation will apply.