Partner to Worcester City Runs, Worcestershire County Council, are providing pacers for the 10th edition of the Worcester City 10K and Worcester City Half Marathon.
Mark Thomas, 40-minute pacer (10K)
“Hello, I’m Mark, I’m from Worcester and I’m looking forward to being your 40-minute pacer for the 2024 Worcester City 10K.
“I run my own Run Coaching business, called Sweetspot Training, helping others and sharing what I have learned about being strong and keeping fit and healthy whatever your age!
“Now in my fifth decade, I am still posting times of 16:06 for the 5K and 1:12:56 for the Half Marathon.”

Andrew Martin, 50-minute pacer (10K)
“I live in Worcester, this will be the 4th time I will have run the Worcester City 10K. I have paced many races over the past couple of years but this will be the first time to pace for this event. I love pacing as I really enjoy helping people achieve their goals.”
Iain Gillett, 60-minute pacer (10K)
“I love running because it is the most sociable of sports – anyone can do it, there are no barriers to entry. Everyone has a tale to tell, a race story to unfold, and advice to give. I don’t know what it is about being out on a run with someone, but you seem to open up more, to talk about what’s important to you, to seek advice and to listen, really listen, to your running partner. I’ve formed lasting friendships just by going for a run with someone. Running with a friend has often led to talking something through that we may not have brought up if we weren’t out, pushing ourselves physically.”

Marcus Mumford, 1:35 pacer (Half Marathon)
“I’m a double world record holder for running the fastest marathon dressed as a toilet in 2014 and the fastest marathon as a tap in 2024! All to raise funds for the excellent charity WaterAid. I’ll be in normal running kit in Worcester but really looking forward to helping as many people as possible achieve their goal.”
Michael Beadle, 02:00 pacer (Half Marathon)
“I’ve been running for two years now, and it’s easily the best decision I’ve ever made. Nothing beats the joy and freedom running brings me. As a proud member of Vegan Runners, I’ve represented the team in many events. Worcester locals might know me as the crazy vegan who runs in sandals – or even barefoot! I can’t wait to help some of you smash that 2-hour goal!”