The children of St Barnabas CE Primary School, Worcester are still on a high from their epic running at the Worcester City Run in September and are already in training for next year’s event.
Sixty children from the school took part in the event at the start of the school year, the after school running club has now reached a whopping 125 members with children from all year groups taking part.
Billy and Freddy, a dynamic duo (identical twins) of aspiring runners and 2023 Worcester City Run participants, said:
“It was fun to run with friends in our city, we like running, it helps us stay healthy.”

Lucy Merrett, PE Lead at the school commented: “It is fantastic to see children from 4 to 11 years old keeping active and inspired by the Worcester City Runs event. Our school prides itself on the wide range of sporting opportunities that the children have access to which gives them a life long enthusiasm for health and wellbeing.”
Otto, a year 1 child, said, “Running is fun, I get to do loads of laps. I like running with the older children. I want to run around our streets and my mum will come and watch.”
The school are now training up the next generation of runners who are on the starting blocks and ready for next year’s Worcester City Runs. Some children have even committed to running over the Christmas holidays to keep up their levels of fitness.
Isabella (11) is looking forward to next year, “I like that running can be for anyone no matter how fast you are and it doesn’t always have to be a race. My mum and I have started running together which helps us stay healthy.”
The children are looking forward to taking part in Worcester City Runs 10th anniversary, which will take place on 15th September 2024. Paula Radcliffe’s Families on Track is a fun fitness event for all the family and will take place on 14th September 2024. Entries for both events are now open on our website: www.worcestercityrun.com