Hi guys. Ryan here. So proud to have been selected to be an ambassador for the Worcester City
Run again this year. I’m going to write a monthly blog on here about my training for the event.
I’ve been in training since January for my 6th Marathon in Manchester. With everything that’s
going on the world right now the marathon has been cancelled, along with every other race going
at the moment. It’s hard times and it’s taking a massive toll on peoples motivation but im staying
positive and sticking to my running. In fact it’s nice just going out for a run at the moment and
not feeling I have to stick to a plan or cover a certain amount of miles. It’s about running for the
love of running for me at the moment. I work in wholesale and as you can imagine it’s crazy right
now so running is a great escape.
My plan for the Worcester City Run is to run the 10k and go for a PB. With everything being
postponed until around September I know it will be hard to fit all your favourite races into the
calendar but guys do yourselves a favor and dont miss this one. It’s a special and very popular
event. The streets are lined with support and I have a feeling everyone will be more excited to be
there this year.
I’ll be keeping up my miles, my interval sessions and my strength training. For the next couple of
weeks though it will just be easy miles and enjoying some trail runs after having done so many
big miles.
Im really excited for this event, I love running and love training so I’m hoping to stay fit and hit
race season in September raring to go!
Enjoy your running folks, stay healthy and keep safe!