Last year members of the End of Life Care Team, their friends and family took part in Worcester City Runs as part of Team Worcestershire Acute raising sponsorship for Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Charity End of Life Care fund.
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Charity supports the patients, staff and services of Worcestershire’s Acute Hospitals; their aim is to provide those added extras that can make the working day easier, the service more comfortable or the experience less difficult.
Their End of Life Care fund aims to help the End of Life Care Team in providing those added extras that make the experience for patients and their loved ones that bit easier and more comfortable.
The runners for the End of Life Care fund raised over £5,000 a truly phenomenal amount, the sponsorship raised has over the past year helped to fund projects such as the decoration of the Peony Room and the provision of bereavement bags.
The Peony Room at Worcestershire Royal Hospital is a dedicated relatives’ room where the families and loved-ones of patients who are nearing the end of their lives can take a break from the ward environment. In the past year the Peony Room has been fitted out with new blinds and a bespoke mural to help make the room as comfortable a space as can be.
Members of the End of Life Care Team also identified that when a patient passes away the way their personal effects are returned to their loved ones could be improved upon. We worked with the Team to fund Bereavement Bags, a discreet bag which can be packaged for loved ones with both the patient’s belongings as well as providing them with materials and advice to aid the processing of their loss.
Avril Adams, Lead Nurse Specialist Palliative and End of Life Care team said:
“Death and dying is very difficult to deal with, but helping patients and those people important to them at their time of greatest need is hugely important to us. Providing these new facilities demonstrates our dedication to supporting our patients and the people most important to them at one of the most distressing of times. The funds raised by members of Team Worcestershire Acute runners have and will make a real difference for our patients and their loved ones.”
Find out more about our official charity partner at https://wahcharity.org/